In our modern time, there are no impossible. It is simply because we are high- tech now. We can easily enter in the world of Internet. At present time, there are almost 8 out of 10 youth know about computer or Internet even it is doesn’t teach in school they can easily learn it due to computer shops almost everywhere where they can easily learn it.
When youths have enough knowledge in using computer, they can easily access online gaming or they can socialize by the help of social networking sites like, Facebook, Friendster, Twitter, Multiply, etc. Some people, specially youths, think that they are weak in real life, but when they enter in the world of Internet, specially in gaming world, they transform into a character that they choose to use and become strong, powerful and skillful saying that ”Only the Strong Will Survive and there are no space for weak”. Because the character in the games is like a real human, many youths are paying too much attention playing online games. Internet is one way to express an emotion and feelings, to meet new friends or partner in life by means of chatting or talking them.
Many youths are becoming addict in the Internet Gaming or Online Games, like for example Ran Online, Ragnarok, RF Online, Special Force and etc. Just like the very famous game DOTA or Defense of the Ancient, this game is very familiar especially to boys and sometimes they play for money against other player. But any kind of game that involves money is Gambling. And that is one problem of youths today. They learn gambling, laying and selling some other valuable things due to addiction. They have no time for their family and they do not do their obligations in house and in school, even though they do eat in proper time. This are the effects of becoming an Internet addict, they forgot the thing s that they need to do.
But if the Internet gave us happiness and information, it also gave sadness and danger to everyone like losing in game, becoming victims of other people having a bad interest. We always need to be wise at all time and place to avoid such incident.
Internet Addiction is one problem that everyone needs to be aware of. Most of the victims of this problem are the youths. We need to make a step to help them. Time is very precious. We need not to waste it. We have a mission in life that is very important for us and there are more important things to prioritize. This is to achieve our goals and dreams in life. And live happily ever after.
We must always remember that our health is our wealth. So, we must take good care of it. This is the foundation of our life to attain our goals, without this how will our body and mind work and perform well. And we must always remember that in real life we are the true character of life not in the world of Internet.
So lessen our overtime in the front of computer to avoid the spreading of Internet Addiction, because Internet Addiction is dangerous to our sight and health. We must prevent this problem as early as we can. Always remember, repentance is always in the end.
-..yeah save your owned health,time,life and your resposible as a human being-because there are many things you must need to give a bid attention,time and efforts..not the useless things..